What RPM say: "The certificate with each disc guarantees that this printed Tane Mahuta PDGA approved RPM MR1 (6 6 -3 0) disc is an authentic limited edition original, designed by Bros for Change."
The Piwakawaka (Maori for "Fantail") is a beautifully controllable, and forgiving midrange disc. Simon outdid himself with the Piwakawaka; creating a disc which is not only ideal for beginners, as a first disc, but it useful for easily controlled upshots, hyzer-flips, and anhyzers thrown by advanced players.
Proudly designed and manufactured in Auckland.
RPM Tane Mahuta Piwakawaka (Limited Edition)
Here at Vortica we are always very excited when New Zealand, or New Zealand disc golfers are celebrated by RPM with special editions of discs with unique stamps.
The green-coloured Piwakawaks chosen for this celebration are the hues of the native Pounamu (greenstone or jade) so loved by the Maori settlers of Aoteroa - The land of the long white cloud.
Flight Rating: 6 6 -3 0In case you are dissatisfied with your purchase we will happily refund or exchange if unused. Just email orders@vorticasport.com