Martin and Chris are united not just by their company ownership and a multi-decade friendship, but also by common goals: to promote the uptake of disc golf by installing challenging and fun disc golf courses especially designed to cater to the needs of beginner and intermediate players, while offering the experts the chance to take many birdies.
Or, if appropriate, more difficult and lengthy designs which are less than suitable for beginners.
Exacting Design and Installation Standards
Here at Vortica, we are a bit OCD about our designs. We position baskets and teepads down to the last 10cm. Because just half a metre in the position of either can substantially change the character or nature of a hole.
When we implement our designs, we take great care to ensure our vision of the course is fully realised. We have very specific goals in mind for each hole, and seeing these come to fruition in the final product is very satisfying.
At no extra cost to a client, when we install teepads we meticulously create concentric rectangle patterns from pavers in four colours. It’s just a little thing, but it enhances the overall experience and shows care and attention to detail – which we believe is important.
Signature Holes
We are able to find the signature holes players will remember long after
they've left the course. It’s our mission to create 2 or more signature
holes per course, where some unique aspect of a hole will be fondly
remembered by all those who play it.
No In-Your-Face Design
While we like to make it fairly obvious to passers-by and observers that
a disc golf course exists within a park, we want to make local residents
happy that disc golf exists in their park, even if they are not players.
Baskets are typically located in areas that are minimally used by walkers
and other park users, and often follow the unused margins of a park,
which is where exciting and challenging holes can be created. Although we do like a mixture of tight and open holes in a design. We work in sympathy with the park environment in an attempt to create a synergistic course design which is safe and fun for everyone.
Public Safety is our No.1 Design Priority
Nothing informs us more than keeping everyone safe at a DGC. When we first traverse a location, we are quickly able to classify the park into one of two distinct foot traffic categories; Random Traffic and Predictable Traffic. Each foot traffic type has specific design considerations.
Player Safety is our No.2 Design Priority
Hole designs mustn’t ever place the player in any danger. Trips and falls are the number one danger on a disc golf course, and our designs are intended to be used by all ages of player, from 6 to 86 and beyond.
Personal safety remains the responsibility of the individual player – as it must – but we ensure our designs make for safe driving from the teepad, safe fairways, and easy access all round.