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What RPM say: The RPM Pekapeka is an understable fairway driver that will allow players to work the disc from left to right as a (right hand backhanded player, vice versa for lefties), hyzer flip down narrow corridors and lay down rollers when required.

RPM Pekapeka (Atomic - Solid Colour)

GST Included
  • These are the plain-colour Pekapekas. RPM do some stunning colours, from pinks so hot they almost hurt, to astounding blues, and even gold.

    If you're after a swirly Pekapeka, we have a huge range of absolutely gorgeous Pekapeka, with some swirls which will blow your mind; from embedded circles, to wild marbling, and blends. PHEW!
    Swirly Atomic Pekapeka is HERE.

    Then there's the most beautiful of all swirly discs; the bottom-stamped Platinum discs - the most beautiful swirly Atomic discs selected at the factory as being "too beautiful to stamp".
    Platinum Pekapeka is HERE.

    Click here for our full review of the Pekapeka.

    Flight Rating: 9 5 -3 1

  • In case you are dissatisfied with your purchase we will happily refund or exchange if unused. Just email

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