Alexandra’s first course.
A unique design in a fascinating location!
Course Type:
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Martin Galley & Chris Davies
​Vortica Disc Golf
Community Course
18x RPM Helix permanent baskets,
Waratah tee markers (teepads coming)
Aronui Road, just off State Highway 8
Alexandra Council
12 hectares
August 2024
Not rated yet

No usage stats yet.
Martin and Chris were challenged to produce a Community Course across a de-pined and re-wilding area of natural rock formations, with incredible views in all directions. They had to think outside the box, to create a course unlike any other.
The Half Mile Reserve Disc Golf Course in Alexandra presents a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with the Central Otage shallow seabed from 30 million years ago. The erosional forces of glaciers, wind, freezing and thawing, as well as water have combined to create wondrous rock formations from the striated schist rock.
This Community Course is virtually devoid of trees, and it offers incredible views over the Central Otago terrain. You’ll get great views in all directions, and wind your way through a maze of rock formations, gullies, and spines, as you make your way around the 18 holes. Each hole is designed to take advantage of every opportunity to put you somewhere beautiful to be in, as well as enjoy throwing into, while challenging your shot-making skills.
The area is in a state of development from 2024 onwards, and local people are engaged with the site, making it better for all park users.